Artist Member since 2007
24 Works · 3 Comments
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Art by Durlabh Singh
Art by Durlabh Singh
Open Window.
Oil on Canvas 60x90cms
Woman With Bowl.
Oil on Canvas. 60x90cms
I am an artist based in London, England and have exhibited widely.
My works are both in private and public collections.

COLLECTIONS. ( Private.) India, Kenya, Spain, Germany, Switzerland, Belgium,
Holland, Mexico, USA, Canada, UK.

Ministry Of Defense. UK.
WTC. Disaster Fund. New York.
Horniman Museum London.
Leicestershire Museum.
Exeter Hospital.UK.
H.P.State Museum Shimla.India.
Art Organizations. Boston, USA.
Kinsey Institute, Indiana University, USA.
Wild Life Trust of India. Delhi.
Roxbury Community College, Massachusetts , USA.
India, Kenya.
1980-The Loggia Gallery London SW1.
1983-British Petroleum. Britannic House. London.
1985-Loggia Gallery. Paintings and Sculptures.
1987-Center for Unemployed Workers London N15.
1995-Millfield House. London N18.
1997-Sackville Gallery. London W1.
1999/ 2001-Gallery Fore. London N18.
1999-Cartwright Hall. Bradford.
1999-Brighton Fringe Festival.
2000- Battersea Contemporary Art Fair. London.
2002- Quaker Gallery. London WC2.
2002- Kismet. Britism Gallery. London W11.
2003- HP State Museum . Shimla. India.
2007-Florence Biennale.

Barbican. Berthe Hess Museum. Action Space.
William Morris Galleries. Morley Gallery.
Alpine Galleries. Mall Galleries. Brixton Gallery.
Bruce Castle Museum. Original Gallery Hornsey.
Woodgreen. Gallery. Peoples Gallery.

West Midlands Art Center Birmingham.
Art For Hungry Oxfam.
Amnesty International. Black friars Arts Center. Boston.
Espace Darville. Rue du faubourg Saint Honore Paris.
Autumn Salon Helsinki. Coventry Museum.
New York- dfn Gallery-Broadway.

The aesthetic understanding and expression come closer to truth of multi dimensional reality. A genuine artist constructs a framework for the reality to fit it. He chooses colours and forms each representing one modal dimension and then decides upon a way of combing these according to an artistic logic. Ordinary perception can be a lie and we should approach painting for truer comprehension of reality.