Sehr richtig haben Sie das getroffen! Zufriedenheit/das Zufrieden sein wird kräftig und liebevoll dargestellt... Die Wärme, Liebe und Symbolik dieses Gemälde hat mich berührt, gerade weil es zutrifft auf meine heutige Lebenslage. Ihre Farbauswahl hat mir ebenfalls begeistert! Viel Erfolg und gutes Schaffen wünscht Ihnen Jan Boon.
28.8.2010 01:03 by Jan Boon
Work comment
just incredible work. In Portuguese is better for me: apenas uma palavra: incrível pintura ... ivete ( Brazil)
7.2.2010 16:21 by ivete BIRAL
Work comment
Hello: there is a saying in Brazil: who lives, always show ups. About the color: why not black and red? well but I am not the artist. Anyway showed a tragedy in a smooth way IT IS CALLED TALENT Very good
6.9.2009 03:08 by ivete Biral
Guestbook entry
Ihre Werke sind so poweful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Die sprechen die Realität,die Brutalität die in dieser Welt herrscht! Greetings Despina
..erik i always knew your talent stood apart....beautiful color///
19.8.2008 04:55 by belinda a
Artist Talk
Comments please!
Erik. Dear old friend Your work is engaged with the social tension of nowadays. It was a pleasure for me to share with you - even in the distance and for a few months- the way you work. Your paintings transmit the emotion you put on them. Your feelings. And I thank myself that I was able to see and UNDERSTAND all this beuty. thanks, old friend
very nice, indeed but I´d like to add "QUO VADIS, DOMINI?" Best, Ivete
25.3.2008 02:24 by IVETE BIRAL
Work comment
Fantastic Painting, painting is fantastic, not only I like the use of colors and the reference to la piedad, but the whole subtheme and feeling are very well laid out for civilians -not artist- like me to enjoy...
15.11.2007 16:15 by R Isabel
Work comment
Really interesting, powerful imagery and I'm looking forward to seeing how it turns out.
3.11.2007 20:09 by Rebecca Birks
Work comment
I love the colour scheme. This is a magnificent piece of art work!
1.11.2007 03:10 by Rina Sagoo
Work comment
I feel the same way. When I look out of the window this is what I see. Excellent work!
1.11.2007 03:08 by Kayam Slutsky
Work comment
Percebe-se aqui o desejo da harmonia e entendimento entre os Homens de Boa Vontade. Deveras emotivo. Linda pintura.
30.10.2007 22:26 by IVETE BIRAL
Work comment
This is a truly beautiful and moving painting.
29.10.2007 01:07 by Carol Brand
Work comment
Nun gut, bin bestimmt auch nicht die versierte Kunstkennerin, aber die Stilbestimmung "Neo-Expressionismus" vom Künstler Erik Slutsky trifft es schon.
21.9.2007 11:20 by Christine Erb
Work comment
Ihre Art Gemälde sind mir nicht so vertraut. Je öfter ich sie aber sehe, verweile ich länger und länger bei ihnen. Sie haben einen sehr speziellen Charme. Da ich mich nicht als Kunstexpertin sehe, würde ich mich freuen, wenn mich jemand aufklären könnte. Danke
21.9.2007 00:14 by Elisabeth Bauer
Work comment
what a glorious canvas. Rich, vibrant, full of terror and beauty, a reverence for life and a recognition of its brevity and threats. This is a piece of very great power, a canvas that has in it the seeds of greatness. I find this painting overwhelmingly beautiful.
28.8.2007 05:47 by dev dev ramcharan
Artist Talk
My work was stolen in Germany
In 1985, 12 of my works on paper were stolen in Dortmund, Germany by the owner of a gallery there who was showing them. I believe he was of Scottish origin. To all my German speaking friends out there, I ask that you let me know if any of you have ever come across my work on paper, (they are all signed, Slutsky),most dating from the early 1980's. They may be is Germany, Switzerland or anywhere for that matter. I would appreciate your help in helping locate them so that I can finally be compensated for their loss. Thanks you for your detective work. Erik Slutsky
27.8.2007 04:00 by Erik Slutsky
Work comment
representatively of all the other pictures, the composition of the unit is in form and color hervoragend, which correspond to topic selection the Zeitgeschehen like this Iran/Iraq… I wish further in its exhibitions success and its works love visitor those
HP. I hope the translation am correct
26.8.2007 09:23 by Kerstin Heinze-Grohmann
Work comment
stellvertretend für all die anderen Bilder, ist die Komposition von der Einheit in Form und Farbe hervoragend, die Themenauswahl entspricht dem Zeitgeschehen wie dieses Der Iran/Irak...ich wünsche weiterhin in Ihren Ausstellungen Erfolg und Besucher die ihre Werke lieben
26.8.2007 08:52 by Kerstin Heinze-Grohmann
Artist Talk
Comments please!
I believe your work is simply some of the finest work being painted in Canada today. Its sheer beauty, the sureness of technique and the richly vibrant palette are equalled by the social profundity of the pieces. The work is inflected with a sense of tension and waiting, and very deep feeling. I have been collecting for a few years now and consider myself to have been very fortunate to have become acquainted with your work, and to have acquired some of it.
26.8.2007 03:41 by Erik Slutsky
Artist Talk
Comments please!
I would love to hear from those of you who view my work and what you think of it. If you wish to personally contact me, in order to purchase a painting, you can contact me at
Grüessli Eri
Grüessli eri
Michael Thomas Sachs
Zufriedenheit/das Zufrieden sein wird kräftig und liebevoll dargestellt...
Die Wärme, Liebe und Symbolik dieses Gemälde hat mich berührt, gerade weil es zutrifft auf meine heutige Lebenslage.
Ihre Farbauswahl hat mir ebenfalls begeistert! Viel Erfolg und gutes Schaffen wünscht Ihnen Jan Boon.
ivete ( Brazil)
About the color: why not black and red?
well but I am not the artist.
Anyway showed a tragedy in a smooth way
Very good
Die sprechen die Realität,die Brutalität die in dieser Welt herrscht!
Erik. Dear old friend
Your work is engaged with the social tension of nowadays.
It was a pleasure for me to share with you - even in the distance and for a few months- the way you work. Your paintings transmit the emotion you put on them. Your feelings. And I thank myself that I was able to see and UNDERSTAND all this beuty.
thanks, old friend
but I´d like to add
In 1985, 12 of my works on paper were stolen in Dortmund, Germany by the owner of a gallery there who was showing them. I believe he was of Scottish origin. To all my German speaking friends out there, I ask that you let me know if any of you have ever come across my work on paper, (they are all signed, Slutsky),most dating from the early 1980's. They may be is Germany, Switzerland or anywhere for that matter. I would appreciate your help in helping locate them so that I can finally be compensated for their loss. Thanks you for your detective work.
Erik Slutsky
HP. I hope the translation am correct
I believe your work is simply some of the finest work being painted in Canada today. Its sheer beauty, the sureness of technique and the richly vibrant palette are equalled by the social profundity of the pieces. The work is inflected with a sense of tension and waiting, and very deep feeling. I have been collecting for a few years now and consider myself to have been very fortunate to have become acquainted with your work, and to have acquired some of it.
I would love to hear from those of you who view my work and what you think of it. If you wish to personally contact me, in order to purchase a painting, you can contact me at