Artist Member since 2010
30 Works
China, people's republic,
My name is Zhenlian ,I am an artist from China. I was graduated from Teachers Training College in Hong Kong as a qualified art teacher. I had worked as art teacher in both Primary and Secondary schools in China.
I have retired from my work since 2002, since then I have devoted myself to painting. I like to experiment with new medias which I have not had much experience before, such as acrylic and Chinese paintings.I am fired with inspiration in whatever I paint, in fact, I am more inspired now than when I was young.
I like both oil paintings and Chinese paintings. In oil painting I like the richness of its colours. I love to cover my canvas with a profusion of colours in their dream-like imageries. I am often inspired by nature, like Renoir I believe that a painting should be beautiful. Most of my paintings are conceptual realistic in style, that is to say my paintings appear very realistic but there are always some imaginative elements in the composition of my works. I think I would rather call this Conceptual Romanticism. My paintings are integrations of the real and the imaginative. I wish to achieve visional poems with colours and images.