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Hans Rüttimann Home

Art by Hans Rüttimann
Art by Hans Rüttimann
‘On Quiet Paws’ – Cat Tote Bag – available worldwide at The Bradford Exchange, so also via:
"A growing movement is now influencing the spirit of the people in our cities ever more strongly. Increasingly more of us are coming to realize that the price payable for even the most basic of gifts in our civilization is far too high – if they truly need to be acquired as the result of our total alienation from nature: The rediscovery of animal art therefore seems a unique way of re-opening the eyes of all of us to the wonders of the world around us".

Sergius Golowin, Swiss author and mythologist, in: "Hans Rüttimann - Gouachen - Zeichnungen - Kleinplastiken [Hans Rüttimann - Gouaches - Drawings - Figurines]", Benteli Verlag Bern, 1992
In his artistic work, Hans Rüttimann employs a wide range of techniques; for example drawings in colored pencil, grease pencil, red chalk, ink, India ink, charcoal, pencil, marker painting, also acrylic painting and aquatint, but also figurines in bronze, partly gilded, as well as etchings. His cat motifs in the series "Auf leisen Pfoten" [On quiet paws] from 1994 on finest quality porcelain at The Bradford Exchange Ltd. continues to have worldwide appeal.
Hans Rüttimann is listed and documented in the De Gruyter International Encyclopedia of Artists ( (choose English version). The Cat Museum of Switzerland ( in St. Gallen and the Cat Museum in Ludwigshafen ( have works by Hans Rüttimann in their inventory.

"Katzinett – Katzenmuseum Ludwigshafen" - Facebook Post

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