If you are interested in the work "Mann, Frau, Beziehung und Liebe, Malerei, männlich, weiblich, Ölgemälde, Künstler Rafael Perez" please fill out the form below.
Born in 1965, the painter Raphael Perez (his name is Rafi Peretz in Hebrew) lives and works in Tel Aviv and began studying art at the Beer Sheva College of Visual Arts in 1989-1992. He paints in two main styles, a realistic style and a naive style
Realistic paintings. The artist's early creative period is characterized by a clear division of his paintings into themes such as woman, man, man and woman, two women and two men.
The techniques employed are characterized by acumen and meticulousness, with soft color placement, expressiveness and materialism symbolizing the restraint experienced by the artist during this period of his life. It was during
Period in which the artist was involved in relationships with women.
In 2003-2005 I made a series of 17 portraits of activists from the gay community in Israel in a hyper-realistic style