Artist Member since 2006
296 Works
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A timeless portrait of Audrey Hepburn, in one of his most famous expressions. Timeless, because not only they and a symbol that belongs to everyone, but because in art immortalized a modern sculpture, and as the treasure chest, which he will treasure forever chiseled its beauty. A timeless beauty of a sculpture of refined execution Technology and aesthetics "Martina Caliri, Effetto Arte"
2015 - ARTISTA & UNICEF Sep/Okt 2015 Ein zeitloses Portrait mit Audrey Hepburn, in einem seiner berühmtesten Ausdrücke. Zeitlose, weil nicht nur sie und ein Symbol, das für jedermann gehört, sondern weil in der Kunst verewigt eine moderne Skulptur, und wie sie die Schatzkiste, die er für immer hüten seine Schönheit gemeißelt. Unvergängliche Schönheit für eine Skulptur von raffinierten Ausführung Technik und Ästhetik "Martina Caliri, Effetto Arte"
il David di Gian Lorenzo Bernini 2015 Verliehen an Hool- Wolf Waldraut
Accademia Italia Arte del Mondo
Lecce 2015
Mr. G. Paisiello
International Kunstpreis
"il David di Gian Lorenzo Bernini" 2015
verliehen: Hool-Wolf Waldraut
2016 - MEMBRO ASSOCIATO ONORARIO E SOSTENITORE 2016 NOMINA CONFERITA A Hool – Wolf Waldraut IN OCCASIONE DEL PREMIO INTERNAZIONALE D’ARTE DEDICARO A il David di Gian Lorenzo Bernini Accademia Italia in Arte nel Mondo Associazione Culturale Lecce, 17 dicembre 2015 Mr. G.Paisiello
2015 - Premio Speciale per i Diritti Umani 2015 Special Award Human Rigths Prix Spécial Droits de l’Homme Omaggio a Anna Frank (1945 – 2015) – Nel 70 Anniversario dell’Evento perpetrato dai Nazisti, nel campo di concentramento di Bergen – Belsen, in danno della giovanissima Anne Frank, Negli anni che seguirono, il nome di Anne Frank divenne il simbolo della Shoah e assunse agli Onori della letteratura mondiale, per il suo Diario che scrisse, in clandestinità, prima di essere deportata. Conferito a Hool – Wolf Waldraut Per aver contribuito, con il proprio impegno intellettuale, non solo alla divulgazione e all’espansione dell’Arte, ma, soprattutto e transversalmente, alla conquista della Libertà e dell’Esercizio del Diritto per gli uomini di tutto il mondo Accademia Italia In Arte Nel Mondo Associazione Culturale Lecce, 17 dicembre 2015, Antico Teatro “Mr.G. Paisiello“
2015 - Anno Accademia 2015 Premio Internazionale il David di Gian Lorenzo Bernini Con l'Alto Riconoscimento Conferito a Hool- Wolf Waldraut Il Comitato d’Onore, intende apprezzare l’attività artistica svolta dall’lnsignito poiché, in essa, si trova l’esempio di una sensibile grazia ideativa, realizzata con instancabile impegno, che si insinua nell pieghe della piu ampia Storia dell’Arte Contemporanea. Accademia Italia arte del Mondo Lecce (Italia), 17 dicembre 2015 Mr.G.Paisiello
"il David di Gian Lorenzo Bernini" 2015 verliehen: Hool-Wolf Waldraut
as well one art- picture name: Blütenzeit
The Artist Waldraut Hool- Wolf represents in the painting a glimpse of Spring. The painting is realized oil on canvas, and ist peculiarity ist hat the artist wanted to give to the oil color a light thickness. She chose soft shades without abusing of light and shadows, but well balancing the different colors‘ shades in ordert o turn this painting into a real blast of flowers and fresh fragrances able to catch the attention of the observer,woh will start to travel inside these explosion enjoying of ist frehness and peaceful colors.
„Sandro Serradifalco“
Un’analisi segnica molte raffinata quella di hool- wolf waldraut, Un’analisi che parte da precisi canoni stilstici per poi arrivare a rielaborare il segno, creando cosi, un nupvo alfabeto dell’anima, Una pittura che ha nel dinamismo espressivo la sua caratteristica principale. Un dinamismo che viene generato attraverso la genialità della forma e la profondità cromatica.
„Salvatore Russo“
A really fine sign analysis those of waldraut hool- wolf An analysis that starts from precise stylistic rules to reach the reworking of signs, giving life, in this way, to a new soul alphabet. A painting that finds in expressive dynamism its main feature. A dynamism created though the Brilliant of shapes and the chromatic deepness.
"Salvatore Russo"
A timeless portrait of Audrey Hepburn, in one of his most famous expressions. Timeless, because not only they and a symbol that belongs to everyone, but because in art immortalized a modern sculpture, and as the treasure chest, which he will treasure forever chiseled its beauty. A timeless beauty of a sculpture of refined execution Technology and aesthetics
"Martina Caliri"
Dear Waldraut Hool- Wolf,
Greetings from Manhattan! Recently, we were familiarized with your work online. After reviewing it, we would like to discuss an opportunity of your possible solo exhibition at our space.
ARTIFACT is located on the Lower East Side -- the fastest growing art district in Manhattan with over 150 art galleries. It is close to the New York landmark Tenement Museum, and a short walk from the New Museum.
Our ground floor space has a dramatic exposure to a busy pedestrian traffic, which allows to exhibit the remarkable work of artists like you at the venue with a maximum capacity for proper presentation, marketing and sales. See it on
ARTIFACT exhibits the work of mid-career and established artists. During a three-week solo exhibition the gallery covers essential expenses related to the exhibition space, installation, gallery infrastructure,
printing and mailing of invitations and an opening reception.
To further promote exhibitions, artists consider additional marketing options which they can afford, including an exhibition catalog at just $15 per book. Artists cover expenses related to shipping of their artwork.
Shall you decide that our space is an appropriate venue for your possible exhibition, we certainly would be pleased to consider it. For more information please visit,
and Facebook page
Please feel free to email me if you have any questions.
Best regards,
Martin Bernstin
84 Orchard St.
NY NY 10002
212 475 0448
Hours: Wednesday-Sunday, 12 to 6 PM
A Portrait for great Art’s Masters Certificate of Artistic Merit to the Artist waldraut hool- wolf represents in this painting a glimpse of Spring. The painting is realized oil on wood, and ist peculiarity is that the artist wanted to give tot he color a light thichness. She chose soft shades without abusing of light and shadows, but well balancing the different colors‘ shades in oder to turn this painting into a real blast of flowers and fresh fragraces able to catch the attention oft he observer, who will start to travel inside these explosion enjoying of ist freshness and peaceful colors.
„September 2014 / Sandro Serradifalco“
Art Book / Page No. 144
A Portrait great Art's Masters
Seite 105
artistic Stars Seite 154
In Copertion - Hool- Wolf Waldraut - Cat Lady
Liebe Grüsse
Und was ich sehe ist ein wunderschönes Bild und eine schöne Farbkombination, an dem ich immer Freude empfinde wenn ich Ihn sehe. Bin sehr Stolz Ihn zu besitzen. Grüsse Orlando
Superstudio Più - Via Tortona 27 – 20144 Milano
The I.T.V. Holz- Art Gallery, Austria presented my artwork
5.-9. March 2014
Fiera di Genova, Piazzale J.F. Kennedy 1
Halle B, Stand Nr. 18
Vertreten durch die I.T.V Holz- Art Gallery
IT – 16129 Genova Italy
13-17. Februar 2014