Through the pro membership, our members support artoffer financially and help to bring art to the world.
Michael Maderthaner
Austria, since 2008781 works, 344 comments51% Digital Art, 42% Painting; Mixed technique, Miscellaneous; mehrheitlich: Contemporary Art, Abstract Expressionism
Peggy Langlotz
Germany, since 202255 works, 2 comments96% Painting, 2% Drawing; Oil, Mixed technique; mehrheitlich: Abstract Art, Realism
Leo Will
Germany, since 2020118 works, 11 comments100% Digital Art; Miscellaneous; mehrheitlich: Contemporary Art, Abstract Art
Regina Hermann
Germany, since 2019156 works, 87 comments71% Painting, 21% Sculpture; Mixed technique, Sculpture; mehrheitlich: Abstract Art, Contemporary Art
Rudolf Olgiati
Switzerland, since 2011169 works, 23 comments47% Painting, 44% Drawing; Indian ink, Acrylic; mehrheitlich: Abstract Art, Contemporary Art
Germany, since 2014551 works, 1402 comments100% Painting; Mixed technique, Acrylic; mehrheitlich: Contemporary Art, Abstract Art
Steve Soon
Austria, since 2017608 works, 142 comments62% Painting, 19% Digital Art; Mixed technique, Miscellaneous; mehrheitlich: Radical Painting, Neue Wilde
Karin Kraus
Germany, since 2018316 works, 555 comments98% Painting; Acrylic, Mixed technique; mehrheitlich: Contemporary Art, Abstract Art
Sabrina Seck
Germany, since 202065 works, 8 comments97% Painting, 3% Printing graphics; Acrylic, Miscellaneous; mehrheitlich: Contemporary Art, Expressive Realism
Beate Ehmann
Germany, since 2017204 works, 49 comments100% Photographs; Miscellaneous, Acrylic; mehrheitlich: Abstract Art, Modern Age